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Chapter 2

"You must be curious why you're here," the man continues. The subject slowly creeps inside, taking in the scene of a grand staircase shadowed by a gold chandelier. The subject looks around, eyes wandering to the intricate wall details and multitude of portraits hanging next to each other. Each step is hesitant. The man watches intently, waiting for a response. None comes.

The subject peers around the wall into the dining room as a different man makes his way down the stairs. He is in a structured suit and his shoes have been recently shined. While it is obvious this man is important, the subject pays more attention to the gold flecks in the wallpaper than the clap of his shoes on the hardwood.

"Ah, Subject 247, how nice of you to join us." He smirks; the subject turns to face him inquisitively. The man continues to make his way toward the subject, stopping to stand next to the other individual in the room and holding out his hand, "Welcome to your assignment." Nervously, the subject places his hand into the shake.

"My name is Ling Su, but you can call me Mr. Ling. This is where you'll meet Stan, my butler, tomorrow for your first day of official training." He motions to Stan, who had been standing quietly since greeting the subject at the door. "I look forward to it, Subject 247," he smiles and retreats up the stairs. "Until then," Mr. Ling continues, "Let me show you around."

The two men make their way through the mansion slowly, Mr. Ling stopping at each portrait to boast about which Rebellion leader it is and how they were defeated. Each one is encased in a wooden frame, carefully carved with an array of swirls and shapes. "Having these displayed along the walls reminds us how lucky we are to start a life without the resistance. Today marks a new life for not only your people, but us as well. The Handover has saved us. You," he pauses and draws the subject's gaze, "You will see. The world is a better place now." Mr. Ling turns to continue the tour, leaving the subject to digest his words.

Subject 247 focuses on the portraits on the wall, tuning out the babble about the history of building. The frame displays a small plaque on the bottom that contains the name, title, and place of defeat. He traces his fingers over them, each listing a different area of which he assumes are parts of the old entity. “How many leaders were there?” the subject asks, interrupting Mr. Ling.

“Um,” Mr. Ling exhales, flustered by the abrupt inquiry, “A lot. Luckily, we had a lot more. Anyway, why don’t we end our tour for the day? You'll meet Stan in the main entrance at 9 am tomorrow and he will answer any more questions you may have." Mr. Ling nodded his head and moves toward the oak doors behind him. 

"My name." The subject blurts as Mr. Ling begins to walk away, his words forming the slightest upspeak to insinuate a question.

Mr. Ling turns around and raises an eyebrow, "What about your name?" 

"Do I have one?" Mr. Ling laughs but shakes his head in affirmation. "It's Kevin Lee Min. Would you prefer if we referred to you as that?"


Kevin leans against the stair railing and gathers his thoughts, "Yes, I am a person after all." 

Mr. Ling's face falls, "Very well." He slams the door behind him.  


Stan comes out of the adjacent room to meet Kevin in the hallway, “I’ll show you to your quarters.”

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